Welcome to Country Christian Schools

Founded on the vision of Patricia Syphard more than 40 years ago, Country Christian has been providing academic excellence in a Christian environment. The students are encouraged to take a stand in faith that impacts their generation.
The opportunities for students to expand their horizons at Country Christian are many and varied.
From volunteerism in the community, demonstrating academic prowess in scholasticism, to the clubs (Student Council, Key Club, and National Honor Society) and sports offered at Country Christian, students are transformed into well-prepared adults that have been molded by God and cast into the streams of God’s purposes for their lives.
AdvancED accredits Country Christian affording those who graduate a seal of accommodation validating the significance of their achievement. Because of this, Country Christian is represented in many colleges throughout our country in varying fields of study.
The sports programs at Country Christian have grown into no small thing. We compete in OSAA 1A level athletics and have enjoyed success in the elite levels of state competition. These successes are related to the breadth of sports programs. Opportunities that reach down into the grade school levels provide instruction and coordination at the foundational levels.
Once again, thank you for your interest in Country Christian, and let us have a great school year.